
I was pulled-in by my sister-in-law to be her model for her finals in her make-up school last March 16 and of course I agreed because it sounded so exciting and it’s just the first time that I’d be doing such thing. If you need a professional make-up artist and soon to be hair artist, here is her website:

She’s very good in applying make up because her hands are light as a feather. It’s like you’re being photo shopped and the person isn’t even touching your face. And she’s also good in making you look like anything you want from a stunning bride to a poor old man to a wondrous gypsy and even to having your arm look like a snake. You need proof? *drum roll* My photos are here! You could see her other works in the website above. They sent loads of photos and these are the ones that are better looking already. I know I know I’m not a model but give me a break. It was fun being one for a day and I wouldn’t mind doing another just for fun and for the food! Okay I admit, I was the one who almost finished one serving of pichi pichi because it was so delicious and I just couldn’t help myself. I apologize for getting the share of the other models and hair and make-up artists. It was really fun especially when I saw how the make-up and hair process was done and seeing those beautiful and sparkly make up palettes all lying in front of me. This was such a wonderful experience and I guess I could already cross out modelling from my bucket list. Teehee.

Make up artist: Einjel Miguel Fontanilla | Hair: Karen Abella


hdmakeup3Make up artist: Einjel Miguel Fontanilla | Hair: Abby Azelatro




imageAnd for a better view of my hair, here’s a photo from my Instagram account


So, wuddya think?